My Thanksgiving NFL Picks

My Thanksgiving and Friday NFL picks are in, along with my long list of sports things I’m thankful for this year. Check out the link here for semi-insightful commentary like this…

And I am thankful (something something) the Jets. Seriously, guys, I’ve run out of jokes about this franchise, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the final weeks of the season. Will they bench Aaron Rodgers? Will Woody Johnson land his helicopter on the fifty yard line during a game and fire everybody? Who knows? The situation surrounding the Jets for the last year and a half just goes to show you how completely undefinable and elusive chemistry can be. When there’s creative tension in a group chemistry, it can manifest itself in some very strange ways. Occasionally you get a perfect mix and Fleetwood Mac. Perhaps sometimes you get an Oasis, a brief window of greatness. Mostly though, you just get Dokken.

The pick is in the link, check it out, kids. And Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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