Last night, and for some time before, everybody was talking about the snowstorm coming that night. Even my mother, who has the cold tolerance of a polar bear, and had assimilated completely into Ohio life before me and Granny could arrive. They said it would be Snowmageddon, that the snow would be thick as a phone book and we wouldn’t be able to leave the house for days. We stocked up on groceries like there was no tomorrow, or at least one not covered in snow. We tried to absorb the sensations of outside while we could, so that we could stave off the cabin-fever madness sure to come.
At the time of this writing, it’s slightly after 7:00 am, last night having passed. The yard is moderately dusted. The driveway and roads are blanketed with what can’t be more than an inch of snow, if that.
At the same time, it was a lapse into the way things were in Texas (everybody panicking over what turns out to be less than an inch of snow) and the biggest leap from it I’ve ever experienced (the very existence of a level of snow too small to impress me).
Didn’t take you long to become a snow bunny! What level does it take now to get you excited? Has Charlie put you on the business end of a snow shovel yet? Understand that takes a little of the fun out of a snow storm. They are still threatening us with cold weather, but every day or two we do get a sniff of Spring. Looking forward to it so much!